After the untimely demise of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, his sister Shweta Singh Kirti often shares some of her memories with the actor. She recently shared a picture of a whiteboard with Sushant’s plans post June 29. She said that it was proof of him ‘planning ahead’. In the picture shared by Shweta, it can be seen that the actor's list included waking up early, reading books, watching content, learning guitar, doing meditation, working out and conquering the moment. “Bhai’s White Board where he was planning to start his workout and transcendental meditation from 29th June daily. So, he was planning ahead. #justiceforsushantsinghrajput,” she wrote alongside the picture. View this post on Instagram Bhai’s White Board where he was planning to start his workout and transcendental meditation from 29th June daily. So he was planning ahead. #justiceforsushantsinghrajput A post shared by Shweta Singh kirti (@shwetasinghkirti) on Ju...