John Abraham is all set to star in Satyameva Jayate 2. The actor was highly appreciated by the audience in the first instalment of the film and is going to star opposite Divya Khosla Kumar for the first time. Directed by Milap Zaveri, the film promises high-octane action scenes and a drama. With the cast and crew being in Lucknow for their next schedule, Milap Zaveri shared a few pictures from the sets.
John Abraham is seen posing in a police uniform while Milap Zaveri dons a mask. The team has been maintaining all the required precautions to ensure that they complete the shoot without anyone contracting Coronavirus. The film is expected to release on Eid – May 12, 2021.
Take a look at the pictures that Milap posted.
It will surely be a treat to watch John Abraham portray the role of a police official once again.
Also Read: John Abraham and Divya Khosla Kumar kick off Milap Zaveri’s Satyameva Jayate 2 in Lucknow
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